Day 40

Director : Sol Friedman

Synopsis: In this animated retelling of the Noah’s Ark story, various unholy activities fill the great ship, a...


Director : Nina Gantz

Synopsis: A dark comedy about a man with cannibalistic urges who travels back through his life, looking for th...

The Black Bear

Director : Xavier Séron, Méryl Fortunat-Rossiz

Synopsis: Rule #1: never feed bears. Rule #2: do not approach within 100 meters. Rule #3: avoid surprising bea...

Night of the Slasher

Director : Shant Hamassian

Synopsis: A 'shot-in-one-take' slasher film about a teenage girl who must commit horror movie sins by drinking...


Director : Olga Osorio

Synopsis: Andrea is trapped in a temporal loop. Will she be able to break it?

The Chickening

Director : Nick DenBoer, Davy Force

Synopsis: An augmented, poultry-infused remix of "The Shining" Jack takes a job as new senior night manager of...

The Herd

Director : Mélanie Light

Synopsis: A number of kidnapped and trafficked women find themselves imprisoned in a squalid medical facility....


Director : Adam Bolt

Synopsis: In an abandoned city, a mother finds herself bitten by a zombie and trapped with a dangerous survivo...