Survival Family

Sabaibaru famirî

Sunday December 10th 2017 at 11:00 AM

Japan - 2017 - All audience

Lenght : 117 min // Ratio : 1.85 // Format : dcp
Language : Japanese // Subtitles : English/French

Directing by: Shinobu Yaguchi
Writing: Shinobu Yaguchi
Cinematography: Yoshihito Kasai
Produced by: Hidehiro Ogawa, Takao Tsuchimoto, Shintaro Horikawa
Cast: Fumiyo Kohinata, Eri Fukatsu,Yuki Izumisawa
International sales: Pony Canyon

When Tokyo faces a general power breakdown, the city is on the verge of panic.. To escape the chaos, a family decides to join relatives living in Kagoshima ...

Survival Family is an existential road movie in the context of urban apocalypse, but it also appears to be a social satire which highlights the fragility of a society dominated by modern technology. An approach evoking the themes of The Trigger Effect by David Koepp even if the tone here is lighter and offbeat since its director is none other than Shinobu Yaguchi, the Japanese filmmaker that the Westerners discovered thanks to Waterboys in 2001.